Manifest and Planned changes


Unnamed camp game is a mostly text based adult game with "sandbox" style where the player interacts with the world through mechanics and don't have a "game winning" goal. Instead, what will make the player "move forward" is the collection aspect of it in the form of “acquiring” rare images and characters.

The main game loop is assigning randomly generated characters to do tasks. The odds of success of these tasks are influenced by things like character stats, days, running events and more. Making the main appeal and challenge odds management, where the player has to plan and play in a way to balance the odds of success without putting the game in jeopardy. While the game doesn’t have a ”victory condition” the game will feature game over conditions. At first, it is running out of money but in the future it might have other events that the game has to play around to avoid a game over.


Planned features 

Quality of life.

As many of you know the game has some space to improve usability. And that is what is in the menu in the near future. Making texts easier to read, information easier to find and identify. Also some hotkeys and keybinds. I want to allow the player to focus in what he is doing, instead of trying to find information and buttons, so feedback in where and how things needs to be changed will be very appreciated.


Image Gallery.

As stated in the manifesto the game “goal” is unlocking rare characters and images, for that we need a place to display what you have and what you don’t. So one of the goals in the upcoming patches is giving the player a image gallery so he knows how many images he have seen and how many they have to find and/or conquer. Also being able to see again a particular image is always fun.


More possibilities of rewards.

Yes I know that is probably obvious but I want to have more possibilities for rewards and missions. Having traits effectively change the rewards of a mission, giving bonus or preventing outcomes is something that I want to implement down the road. More possibilities of rewards in missions also means more freedom for the writer and eventual artist, to show their craft.


Character, traits, races, actions description.

It’s not secret that the game at the moment lacks descriptions of the world. I plan to have it changed eventually. Characters will have background stories, how they look and personality.

Most will be randomly generated, but special characters will have their own unique story, unique art and possibly unique trait.

Like in pokemon games, a legendary character might not be the strongest/most useful around but you probably want them in your collection.


Different resources.

Right now the game has Gold as the single resource, if you ignore characters/prisoners as a resource; as such, the game only has one single variable that can be used to balance missions, rewards and characters. I want to address that in the future. I am not quite sure how I will do it yet, but I feel that something along the lines of “food” to upkeep characters and “material” to upkeep the camp. That way, as an example, is possible to make the Ogre race inherently stronger but also giving them the “minus” of consuming more food per day. I know I could make them have a higher upkeep, but I feel that it limits balancing and gameplay potential.



Yep as you read in the last point I plan to allow players to make upgrades in their camp. Making an infirmary makes your character heal more each day, training ground might provide passive experience for people that stayed in the camp, different cells to treat each prisoner differently (some are treated well, others not so much), brothel for passive income generation based in prisoners. You get the idea.



I am not going to prolong myself too much here since the game still a LONG way from this. But I do have plans to add factions and reputation. Helping a faction enough will give you players buff while your reputation is high as a “bonus” and incentive to keep working with them. Helping a faction might hurt your relation with another and bad relations will have consequences. Starting with de-buffs and scaling to more direct threats.

If you read until here thank you. Like pointed I am planning into doing QoL improvements and your feedback here is important. So if you have a suggestion to how to make the game easier to play, or less annoying, please let me know! You can either contact me here or in the discord.

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