Version 0.3.7

Yeah, yeah; it has been a while. No, the project is not dead. No, it wasn't due to covid(thankfully). It was just laziness, a bit of depression maybe.

Either way. Like i said in the patreon page and discord I am planning into being more active in the project.

So I'm releasing a new version here.

0.3.6 was released a couple of months ago in the discord as a beta, It's a full release now. It add the option to change and insert portraits for your characters.(Also credits and link for authors, so in theory it should be easier to share portraits packs without having to loot it)

0.3.7 is a update for a newer version of Unity3d. So no new content. But i want to know if this new version of unity is working properly. So if you find any issue let me know.


CampGame 90 MB
Jul 11, 2021

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